Writing both fiction and non-fiction is seen as being a little rare. Agents argue against it because it makes making a pitch more difficult. To prevent customers from accidentally moving from one sector to the other, bookshops stock the aisle in between the two sections with home goods and presents, as though to alert them that a new section is coming.

Academics who instruct students in writing typically choose one or the other, therefore I can only assume that the faculties of fiction and non-fiction have different break areas or even buildings. Despite this, many of my favorite authors, including Steven Pressfield, Norman Mailer, George Orwell, and Ernest Hemingway, to mention a few, are at ease bridging the gap between fiction and non-fiction.

Although there may appear to be a significant gap between fiction and non-fiction, whether it is in the classroom, the bookshop, or readers' thoughts, this division is often artificial.

Illusion was no fiction

The lack of equivalent words for the two concepts in many languages makes us English speakers even worse off, in my opinion. Above all else, good writing needs two things: a connection to reality, and a gripping narrative. It is incorrect to believe that only fiction requires a compelling plot or that only non-fiction deals with the real world. Both of these components are equally important in what we typically refer to as fiction and non-fiction. The writer's method of operation is basically the only distinction.

When one writes fictions, one initially have a sense of the truth that one wants to tell before one even starts to consider what the story will be. This could be a characteristic of people that one wants to highlight, a feature of how relationships function, or something else along these lines that gets at the core of the human experience. The story develops once one decides what this will be, frequently taking on a life of its own and being propelled by the motor of one's truth.

In order to create a story in fiction, one can manufacture the events; in non-fiction, one must look for them. But in each instance, the story serves the truth. When a writer realizes that this is their vocation, the line between fiction and non-fiction swiftly blurs.


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